
Why plant shrubs?

Shrubs provide structure in the garden and lots of fall color. They act as host plants and a great source of pollen & nectar for pollinators, as well as providing fruits & berries for wildlife and nesting sites & shelter for birds.

More information about the plants (descriptions, zone, habitat) may be found at

Shrub Portraits (Botanical name / common name)

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Shrubs (Botanical name / common name)

Abelia mosanensis / fragrant abelia

Aesculus parviflora / bottlebrush buckeye

Aronia arbutifolia / red chokeberry

Aronia melanocarpa / black chokeberry

Callicarpa dichotoma / beautyberry

Calycanthus floridus / sweetshrub

Ceanothus americanus / New Jersey tea

Cephalanthus occidentalis / buttonbush

Chaenomeles japonica / flowering quince

Clethra alnifolia / summersweet

Comptonia peregrina / sweetfern

Cornus alternifolia / pagoda dogwood

Cornus amomum / silky dogwood

Cornus racemosa / gray dogwood

Cornus rugosa / round leaf dogwood

Cornus sericea / red-twig dogwood

Corylus americana / American hazelnut

Cotinus coggygria x C. obovatus ‘Grace’ / hybrid smoketree

Diervilla lonicera / northern bush-honeysuckle

Dirca palustris / leatherwood

Enkianthus campanulatus / redvein enkianthus

Enonymus americana / strawberry bush

Fothergilla gardenii / dwarf fothergilla

Hamamelis vernalis / vernal witch-hazel

Hamamelis virginiana / common witch-hazel

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’, ‘Pillow Talk’ / panicled hydrangea

Hydrangea quercifolia / oakleaf hydrangea

Ilex verticillata / winterberry

Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ / sweetspire

Lindera benzoin / spicebush

Mahonia aquifolium / Oregon grape

Myrica pensylvanica / northern bayberry

Physocarpus occidentalis / ninebark

Prunus maritima / beach plum

Rhus aromatica / fragrant sumac

Rubus odoratus / purple flowering raspberry

Salix alba ‘Britzensis’ / coral bark willow

Salix discolor / pussy willow

Sambucus canadensis / black elderberry

Sambucus nigra / ‘Black Lace’

Sambucus racemosa / red elderberry

Staphyleatrifolia / bladdernut

Spiraea alba / meadowsweet

Spiraea tomentosa / steeplebush

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus / coralberry

Viburnum acerifolium / mapleleaf viburnum

Viburnum cassinoides / wild raisin

Viburnum lentago / nannyberry

Viburnum nudum / ‘Brandywine’

Viburnum prunifolium / blackhaw

Viburnum trilobum / American highbush cranberry

Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Mohawk’ / Mohawk viburnum

Wisteria macrostachya / ‘Blue Moon’