Importance of trees
Because of their size and number of leaves, trees are the best host plants for pollinators and beneficial insects. They provide fruits & nuts as well as nesting sites & shelter for birds & other wildlife. Trees offer cooling shade in summer, fall color and visual interest in winter. Conifers make great privacy screens and four-season windbreaks.
More information about the plants (descriptions, zone, habitat) may be found at
Trees (Botanical name / common name)
Abies balsamea / balsam fir
Larix laricina / American larch, tamarack
Pinus strobus / white pine
Taxodium distichum / bald cypress
Thuja occidentalis / northern white cedar
Tsuga canadensis / eastern hemlock
Deciduous Trees
Acer palmatum / Japanese maple
Acer pennsylvanicum / striped maple
Acer spicatum / mountain maple
Aesculus pavia / red horsechestnut
Asimina triloba / pawpaw
Betula alleghaniensis / yellow birch
Betula lenta / sweet birch
Betula nigra / river birch
Carya ovata/ shagbark hickory
Catalpa speciosa / northern catalpa
Carpinus caroliniana / musclewood
Celtis occidentalis / hackberry
Cersis canadensis / eastern redbud
Cercidiphyllum japonicum / katsura
Cladrastis kentuckea / yellowwood
Cornus florida / flowering dogwood
Cornus kousa chinensis / kousa dogwood
Cornus mas / cornelian cherry dogwood
Cotinus obovatus / American smoketree
Crataegus crus-galli / cockspur hawthorne
Crataegus phaenopyrum / Washington hawthorn
Diospyrus virginiana / persimmon
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis / honey locust
Gymnocladus dioicus / Kentucky coffeetree
Liquidamvar styraciflua / sweetgum
Liriodendron tulipifera / tuliptree
Malus coronaria / native crabapple
Malus sargentii ‘Roselow’ / Sargent crabapple
Malus x ‘Dolgo’ / ‘dolgo’ crabapple
Magnolia ‘Ann’ / hybrid magnolia
Magnolia ‘Leonard Messel’ / hybrid magnolia
Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ / star magnolia
Magnolia virginiana / sweetbay magnolia
Morus rubra / red mulberry
Ostrya virginiana / hophornbeam
Oxydendrun arboreum / sourwood
Platanus occidentalis / sycamore
Prunus serotina / black cherry
Quercus alba / white oak
Quercus rubra / red oak
Sassafras albidum / sassafras
Sorbus americana / American mountain ash
Stewartia pseudocamellia stewartia
Tilia americana / linden, basswood